The gardens of Ispagnac (by mountain-bike)

The gardens of Ispagnac (by mountain-bike)

Architecture and village
Water and geology
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This family circuit runs alongside the river Tarn and amidst gardens and vineyards to help you explore the villages of Ispagnac and Quézac.

4 points of interest

  • Agriculture

    The gardens of Ispagnac

    Ispagnac is in the contact zone of limestone, granite and schist bedrock. The valley of Ispagnac is irrigated by the river Tarn and, being protected from the north and north-western winds, it enjoys an almost southern climate. This has earned it the nickname of “garden of the Lozère”. A market gardener and two wine-makers are based here.

  • Architecture

    Quézac Bridge

    This bridge crossing the river Tarn gives access to the village of Quézac, located on the left bank. Around 1350, Pope Urban V decided to fund its construction to facilitate pilgrims' access to the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Quézac. It was finished in the 15th century. Its history is punctuated by partial destruction in floods, and by more or less solid rebuilding. It became a listed monument on 27 August 1931.

  • Water

    Quézac mineral water

    Quézac mineral water emerges naturally from the Diva spring, near the entrance to the village, in exceptional surroundings which have been naturally protected for centuries. This pleasant-tasting water is rich in mineral salts and trace elements and is also well-known to be beneficial for the stomach. The spring's water actually comes from Mont Aigoual. According to scientific studies, it takes 30 to 40 years for it to re-emerge in Quézac, after first settling in aquifers, where it acquires its effervescence naturally (rare in France).

  • History

    Notre-Dame de Quézac

    The collegiate church of Quézac – today Notre-Dame church – was fortified in the 14th century at the instigation of Pope Urban V. The first building is believed to have been erected in 1052 in honour of Our Lady of Quézac. Legend has it that a   ploughman found a black Virgin while ploughing a furrow, which he brought into the church. However, it disappeared during the night, and the next day was found again in the furrow. The decision was taken to build an oratory on the spot chosen by the Virgin, and soon large numbers of pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostella visited Quézac. Today, a stained-glass window illustrates the dedication of the collegiate church to Our Lady.


Mountain-bike route #3. This route uses small tarred lanes and good tracks, and includes one slightly more technical downhill section. From the car park opposite the pharmacy, cycle down to the Tarn via the town gardens. Go along the river to Quézac Bridge. Cross it and go through Quézac. Turn right to get to the village gardens. Go back up to the town hall (mairie) and over the bridge. Immediately after the bridge, turn left to join up with the D 907 bis, onto which you turn right for a few metres before turning left above Ipagnac. Go through the vineyards and return to the village through the recently built part of town.

  • Departure : Ispagnac
  • Arrival : Ispagnac
  • Towns crossed : Ispagnac and Gorges du Tarn Causses


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourism'house and national Parc at Florac

Place de l'ancienne gare, N106, 48400 Florac-trois-rivières

https://www.cevennes-gorges-du-tarn.cominfo@cevennes-parcnational.fr04 66 45 01 14

This office is part of the National Park's associated tourist-information network, whose mission is to provide information on, and raise awareness of, the sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone.

On site:  exhibitions, video projections, events and shop Open year-round

Find out more

Tourism office Cévennes Gorges du Tarn, Ispagnac

Place de l'Église, 48320 Ispagnac 66 45 01 14

This office is part of the National Park's associated tourist-information network, whose mission is to provide information on, and raise awareness of, the sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone.
Open year-round

Find out more


Bus stop: Parking de l’école publique (state school car park).
  • Bus line 258 “Florac – Sainte-Enimie – Le Rozier”, every day in July and August.

Access and parking

From Florac, take the N 106 towards Mende, then fork off onto the D 907 bis towards Molines, Ispagnac, Ste Enimie

Parking :

Car park opposite the pharmacy


CC Gorges Causses Cévennes
Parc national des Cévennes

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