The cliffs of the Causse Méjean
Les gorges de la Jonte et les vautours
Les gorges de la Jonte et les vautours - nathalie.thomas
Le Rozier

The cliffs of the Causse Méjean

Agriculture and livestock farming
Fauna and flora
History and culture
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A walk between the Jonte and Tarn gorges, with panoramic landscapes and, in the skies above, the four European vulture species that live on the Grands Causses plateaux.

4 points of interest

  • Capluc
    Capluc - NT


    Capluc was once a defensive and surveillance site, with a castle that (like many of the village’s houses) no longer exists. Some of the houses were renovated once a track suitable for motor vehicles was opened to the hamlet. The name Capluc is believed to come from cap and luz, meaning head and light, thus symbolising the place illuminated by the first rays of the rising sun. 
  • Capluc et son rocher
    Capluc et son rocher - NT

    Capluc and its terraces

    As you leave Capluc, you become aware of how the site, which at first sight seems barren, has in fact been shaped by humans. All of this south-facing slope, which is protected by the tall dolomite cliffs, was farmed using terraces (grains, fruit trees, grapevines). Temperatures are so favourable that the most southern Mediterranean vegetation of the region grows here (narrow-leaved ash, jasmine, Montpellier maple, holm oak, etc.). 
  • Le vautour moine
    Le vautour moine - nathalie.thomas


    You are close to the historic site where the griffon vulture was reintroduced from 1982 onwards. Since then, the cinereous vulture (1992) and the bearded vulture (2012) have also been reintroduced. The Egyptian vulture returned of its own accord in 1986. It nested locally in 1997, but it remains rare and very localised in this region. In the Mediterranean basin, the presence of vultures is associated with sheep farming and herd mortality.
  • Les corniches de la Jonte
    Les corniches de la Jonte - nathalie.thomas

    Balcon du vertige (vertigo balcony)

    This site, almost 400m above the bed of the Jonte, deserves it name. It is the only spot on the walk from which you have such breathtaking views over the gorge. Opposite you is the Causse Noir, with a heavily fissured rock in the foreground, the Ranc del Pater, on which remain some wall sections of Saint Michael’s hermitage (former château of Montorsier). The tall rectangular cliff on its right is known as Roc Fabié. If you lean forwards, you can see, from upstream to downstream, La Caze and Le Truel hamlets, and below you the Maison des Vautours (vulture belvedere), which was opened in 1998 and traces the local history of vultures. 


From the Place de la Mairie (town hall square) in Le Rozier, turn right then left in the village, and take the staircase between the houses on the left. Keep going uphill to the hamlet of Capluc.
1) At Capluc, you can choose to climb Capluc Rock (there and back, 30 min). If you do not, go past the bread oven and stay on the path that goes upstream in the Jonte gorge and continue to climb the hairpin bends of Echo Ravine. Ignore the path that goes downhill on the right.
2) At the crossroads, turn left and go uphill to the Col de Francbouteille pass.
3) At the pass, you go over into the Tarn valley. Turn right and take the path which more or less follows the contour line.
4) Turn right towards the Col de Cassagnes. At the first crossroads, go straight ahead, at the second turn right towards the Corniches de la Jonte.
5) Here, the track becomes a path. This runs along the cliff edge, passing Balcon du Vertige, Pas du Loup, Vase de Chine and Vase de Sèvres.
6) At the crossroads, turn left to go down to Capluc, from where you return on the same path.
  • Departure : Le Rozier
  • Arrival : Le Rozier
  • Towns crossed : Le Rozier and Saint-Pierre-des-Tripiers


Altimetric profile


This walk is not recommended for those suffering from vertigo (sections at cliff’s edge). Make sure your equipment is appropriate for the day’s weather conditions. Remember that the weather changes quickly in the mountains. Take enough water, wear sturdy shoes and put on a hat. Please close all gates and barriers behind you.
Is in the midst of the park
The national park is an unrestricted natural area but subjected to regulations which must be known by all visitors.

Information desks

Tourism'house and national Parc at Florac

Place de l'ancienne gare, N106, 48400 Florac-trois-rivières

https://www.cevennes-gorges-du-tarn.cominfo@cevennes-parcnational.fr04 66 45 01 14

This office is part of the National Park's associated tourist-information network, whose mission is to provide information on, and raise awareness of, the sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone.

On site:  exhibitions, video projections, events and shop Open year-round

Find out more


Bus stop: Monument aux morts
  • Bus line 258 “Florac – Sainte-Enimie – Le Rozier”, every day in July and August.
  • Bus line 215  « Millau – Peyreleau - Meyrueis »

Access and parking

From Meyrueis, drive down the Jonte gorge on the D 996 to Le Rozier.

Parking :

Car park in the village

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Agence d'Attractivité Touristique Gorges Causses Cévennes
Parc national des Cévennes

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