Le Devois cross

2 points of interest
La piste en forêt - Michel Monnot HistoryThe Commanders
You are on a ridge path on the so-called “Commanders’ crests”. It is the last trace of the fact that this area belonged, from 1312 onwards, to the Knights Hospitaller and then to the Knights of Malta, who were based at the nearby hamlet of Servillières, at their “Commandery of Meyrueis and Servillières”. You are here on the border between the Gard and Lozère, marked by a standing stone. This ridge path is called the “wolf pen drovers’ road”, a variant thousands of years old of the main drovers’ road of La Lusette between L'Espérou and Meyrueis. Transhumant livestock would overnight here, in a closed-off space safe from wolves.La Pierre Plantée - Béatrice Galzin HistoryPierre plantée (Pierre plantée)
Since ancient times, stones have stood along the Camin Ferrat: directional markers indicating a crossroads. Above all, they marked the boundaries of two parishes. Since the creation of Departments in 1790, they have outlined the border between Gard and Lozère.
- Turn right onto the D 986, cross "the Pont de Claparouse" bridge and continue for 600m.
- After the first bend, turn left and take the track.
- At the storage basin, take the path uphill on the right. You join up with a track, turn left onto it and then immediately turn right onto the GR®6 long-distance trail, which you follow to" the standing stone".
- At "the standing stone" (“La pierre plantée”), go right towards “Lanuéjols” on the GR®62.
- NB. At the third crossing, fork right, leave the GR®62 and continue on the path that runs straight ahead of you.
- After several zigzags, join up with the D 986, cross it and take the path opposite. Shortly afterwards, cross a second road. At “Croix de l’Estrade”, head towards “Lanuéjols” to return to the car park.
- Departure : Church - Lanuéjols
- Arrival : Church - Lanuéjols
- Towns crossed : Lanuéjols
Altimetric profile
Information desks
Tourism & national parc'house
Col de la Serreyrède, 30570 Val d'Aigoual
The Maison de l'Aigoual houses the tourism office Mont Aigoual Causses Cévennes and the Maison du Parc national. This visitor centre provides information on and raises awareness of the Cévennes National Park, its sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone.
On site: changing exhibitions, video projections, Festival Nature events and shop Open year-round
(not during school holidays)
Access and parking
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