The Rocher de l'Aigle (Eagle's Rock)
Randonneur au col de l'Asclier
Randonneur au col de l'Asclier - © Olivier Prohin
Les Plantiers

The Rocher de l'Aigle (Eagle's Rock)

Agriculture and livestock farming
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This walk offers you a striking perspective onto the Vallée Borgne. Views stretch from the ocean to Mont Lozère and, on a clear day, perhaps even to the pre-Alps.

4 points of interest

  • Flora

    The forestry track

    On the first two kilometres, up to the Rocher de l'Aigle, you are on the forestry track opened in 1938. Where there are forestry tracks, there are state-owned forests, meaning forests managed by the French state and the Office National des Forêts so as to develop the area. The presence of so many beech trees and pines is a marker of the previous reforestation policy on the Aigoual massif and in the Cevenol foothills. A plaque has been erected at the Col du Fageas pass, further along this trail, in memory of Max Nègre (1880 – 1960), one of the project managers of this collective undertaking. From 1935 to 1939, he thinned out the forests planted since the end of the 19th century and opened up forestry tracks.

  • Narcisse à feuilles de jonc
    Narcisse à feuilles de jonc - © Yves Maccagno

    Rush-leaf narcissus

    Come in spring – up to the end of April – to see the rush-leaf narcissi opposite the Rocher de l'Aigle. They grow in abundance on the limited surface area of the sheltered and south-facing stony slope. Often there is only one fragrant flower per plant. Do not pick them! Take a photo instead!

  • Vue panoramique
    Vue panoramique - © Olivier Prohin

    Panoramic views

    Enjoy a superb 360° view! On the northern horizon, you can see the summit of Mont Aigoual and, on the valley floor, the hamlets of Les Millerines and L'Abric in the foreground and a part of the districts of L'Estréchure and Saumane in the middle distance. Further north, the village of St-Roman-de-Tousque is perched on the long corniche of the Cévennes. To the east, you can make out the city of Alès, Mont Bouquet and, in the distance, the “giant of Provence”, Mont Ventoux (1,912 m).

    On the southern horizon are two limestone hills: the Jumelles de Monoblet. Behind them, Coutach hill overlooks Sauve and Quissiac. The Pic Saint-Loup rises above it all with its 658 m. You can also see a stretch of coastline, with the salt marshes of Aigues-Mortes and La Grande-Motte just visible. Further west, the Roc Blanc rises next to the Pic d'Anjeau. And finally, just opposite you, Mont Fageas, the summit of the Liron range, on which you have been walking west-to-east for an hour already.

  • Pont moutonnier
    Pont moutonnier - © Olivier Prohin

    Sheep bridge

    This bridge was expressly built in the 19th century for shepherds heading from the plains of Languedoc to greener regions in the summer. Following the mountain ridges with their flocks, they ascended to the summer pastures. This draille [drovers' road], the Draille de la Margeride, is one of the most famous in the  Cévennes alongside those leading to the Aubrac and the Gévaudan.


Start at the Col de l'Asclier pass. After the sheep bridge, take the forest track on the right towards La Cale (GR 61/67). Go past a stele and, at the signpost for La Cale, leave the GR 61 to take a path on the right to the foot of the Rocher de l'Aigle rock (optional there-and-back to the summit). Go downhill to the Col de Fageas (be careful on the scree) and return to the Col de l'Asclier on the GR6B.

  • Departure : Col de l'Asclier
  • Arrival : Col de l'Asclier
  • Towns crossed : Les Plantiers, L'Estréchure, Soudorgues, and Val-d'Aigoual


Altimetric profile


Make sure your equipment is appropriate for the day's weather conditions. Remember that the weather changes quickly in the mountains. Take enough water, wear solid shoes and put on a hat. Please close all gates and barriers after yourself.

Information desks

Tourism & national parc'house

Col de la Serreyrède, 30570 Val d'Aigoual

https://www.sudcevennes.commaisondelaigoual@sudcevennes.com04 67 82 64 67

The Maison de l'Aigoual houses the tourism office Mont Aigoual Causses Cévennes and the Maison du Parc national. This visitor centre provides information on and raises awareness of the Cévennes National Park, its sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone.

On site: changing exhibitions, video projections, Festival Nature events and shop Open year-round

Find out more

Tourism office Mont Aigoual Causses Cévennes, Saint-André-de-Valborgne

les quais, 30940 Saint-André-de-Valborgne

https://www.sudcevennes.comstandredevalborgne@sudcevennes.com04 66 60 32 11

    This office is part of the National Park's associated tourist-information network, whose mission is to provide information on, and raise awareness of, the sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone.

Find out more

Tourism office Mont Aigoual Causses Cévennes, Valleraugue

7 quartier des Horts, 30570 Valleraugue

https://www.sudcevennes.comvalleraugue@sudcevennes.com04 67 64 82 15

This office is part of the National Park's associated tourist-information network, whose mission is to provide information on, and raise awareness of, the sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone. : Open year-round

Find out more

Access and parking

From Les Plantiers in the Vallée Borgne, take the D 20 to the Col de l'Asclier pass.

Parking :

Col de l'Asclier pass


CC Causses Aigoual Cévennes Terres Solidaires
Parc national des Cévennes

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