MTB 7 - Dargilan - graded blue
Chardon bleu
Chardon bleu - nathalie.thomas

MTB 7 - Dargilan - graded blue

Agriculture and livestock farming
Architecture and village
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Starting in the hamlet of Dargilan, which gave its name to the cave, you go through Scots pine forests, across open landscapes and past handsome fortified farms. You straddle three departments.

5 points of interest

  • Dargilan
    Dargilan - nathalie.thomas

    Edouard-Alfred Martel

    The marvellous caves in this area were discovered thanks to the efforts of one man, Edouard-Alfred Martel. This caving pioneer notably discovered Dargilan Cave and the Abîme de Bramabiau in 1888, as well as Aven Armand cave in 1897. He fought to make them better known through articles and conferences. According to Jacques Fountes “Martel was a combination of tourist office and travel agency all by himself. It is not an exaggeration to say that Martel lifted Lozère out of anonymity.” He was convinced that tourism could create economic growth in the Grands Causses region.
  • Le Marjoab
    Le Marjoab - nathalie.thomas

    Sérigas, Marjoab

    Here, local farms breed goats to produce milk for making Roquefort cheese. In the 17th and 18th century, farmers used their milk to make cheese for themselves. In 1842, following the collapse of wool rates, the “Société des Caves et Producteurs Réunis” was formed to centralise cheese-ripening in Roquefort. A large number of dairies were opened in Causse hamlets. It was not until 1929 that the  “Confédération des Eleveurs de Brebis et des Industriels de Roquefort” was created to once again jointly manage Roquefort production.
  • Ancienne fromagerie
    Ancienne fromagerie - nathalie.thomas

    Cheese-making with sheep’s milk

    Until the 19th century, sheep were bred for their wool. Their milk was used to produce cheese for the family, which was matured in cellars or caves. It was not until 1880 that the production of blue sheep’s cheese flourished. In 1925, Roquefort became the first cheese to be declared an Appellation d’origine contrôlée (Protected Designation of Origin). Now internationally renowned, Roquefort is exclusively matured in the cellars of the village of the same name. 
  • Luc
    Luc - nathalie.thomas

    Fortified farms

    Several fortified farms punctuate the circuit, such as the one in Luc, which has a ruined windmill. In the 13th century, these farms were bequeathed to the order of the Knights Hospitaller, which was well-established in the Causses region. During the French Revolution, middle-class locals bought them back.
  • Pierre des Trois Évêques
    Pierre des Trois Évêques - nathalie.thomas

    Three Bishops’ Stone

    At the crossroads of the D39 and D139 is a standing stone topped by a stone cross. Today the monument symbolises the exact spot where three departments meet: Aveyron, Gard and Lozère. At the times the cross was erected, it indicated the limits of the dioceses of Vabres in the Aveyron, Nîmes in the Gard and Mende in the Lozère. 


From the car park, take the track suitable for motor vehicles that leads to Sérigas.
1) Go through the hamlet to reach the D 39. Turn right onto the road, then leave it again to take the second on the left, towards Le Marjoab. At the top of the slope, go right and pass through several gates to reach Le Marjoab.
2) Cross the village and take the road that leads to the D 47. Turn right onto the D 47. At the second intersection, turn right. The track joins up with the D 47c: turn left onto it and at the next crossroads turn right and continue to Les Mazes.
3) From les Mazes, continue straight ahead on the track till you reach Alluech.
4) In the village of Alluech, continue left between the houses. Cross the road and follow the path opposite to the GR® 62a trail.
5) Turn right onto the GR; the path between two hedges continues in the forest. It comes out on a road: turn left onto it and continue to the hamlet of Luc.
6) By the farm, leave the road for a path that passes close to a farm building. Continue on this path, which joins up with the D 47c.
7) Turn left onto the road and, at the crossroads, continue straight ahead on the D 139 till you reach the car park in Dargilan that you started from.
  • Departure : Dargilan hamlet
  • Arrival : Dargilan hamlet
  • Towns crossed : Meyrueis, Lanuéjols, and Veyreau


Altimetric profile


No off-roading. You are strongly advised to wear a helmet. Do not forget your repair and tool kits. Please close all gates and barrier behind you. Slow down in farms and hamlets. Carry sufficient water. Be careful around livestock and guard dogs: get off your bike if necessary; do not rush them!

Information desks

Tourism'house and national Parc at Florac

Place de l'ancienne gare, N106, 48400 Florac-trois-rivières

https://www.cevennes-gorges-du-tarn.cominfo@cevennes-parcnational.fr04 66 45 01 14

This office is part of the National Park's associated tourist-information network, whose mission is to provide information on, and raise awareness of, the sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone.

On site:  exhibitions, video projections, events and shop Open year-round

Find out more

Access and parking

From Meyrueis, take the D 39 towards Sérigas, then the D 139 towards Grotte de Dargilan. Park in the hamlet of Dargilan, 500 m before the cave.

Parking :

Dargilan hamlet


CC Gorges Causses Cévennes
Parc national des Cévennes

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