From Meyrueis to the summit of Mont Aigoual (Day 1)

1. From Meyrueis to the summit of Mont Aigoual (Day 1)

Agriculture and livestock farming
Architecture and village
Causses and Cévennes / UNESCO
Fauna and flora
History and culture
Water and geology
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A day for hiking to the top of Mont Aigoual via Cabrillac, through forests of crooked beeches and the Aigoual grasslands with their many colours in spring.
From Puech Pounchut along the ridges of Peyremoula, you have handsome vistas onto the Causse Méjean plateau and the Brèze valley. There is a steep hike through the forest after the hamlet of Cabrillac before the grasslands of the summit of Mont Aigoual come into view!

4 points of interest

  • History


    Cabrillac was located at the crossroads of the grande draille d'Aubrac (Aubrac drovers’ road) and the road from Meyrueis to Florac and St Jean du Gard. The village had about a hundred inhabitants in the 20th century and was an important and inevitable place of transit. Two fairs were held every year: one during the migration to the summer pastures in May; the other in September, during the return. For some shepherds, this was the occasion to sell the lambs that had spent the summer on the Aubrac plateau.
  • Agriculture

    The Aubrac drovers’ road

    From Cabrillac, we follow the Aubrac drovers’ road, which started near Ganges (Hérault) to lead flocks onto the Aubrac pastures, a distance of 110 km. If you climb to the top of Mont Aigoual (2 hrs), you can visit the meteorological observatory and meet transhumant flocks. Be careful of the patous (livestock guardians).
  • Flora

    Summit of Mont Aigoual

    At an altitude of 1,565 m, the climate is harsh: weather conditions are the same as they would be at 2,000 m elsewhere, with only four “frost-free” months a year. Winds of above 60 kph blow on 265 days a year, and the average annual temperature is 4.8°C. Trees do not have enough time to complete their life cycle. Local plant formations are those of the montane zone: subalpine short-grass prairies.

  • History

    The meteorological observatory

    Inaugurated in 1824, the meteorological observatory was built on the initiative of Georges Fabre, one of the pioneers of the reforestation of Mont Aigoual. His work with the botanist Charles Flahault enabled the creation of the arboretum of L’Hort de Dieu. The first meteorological data were gathered by agents from the French National Water and Forestry Commission. Since 1943, the observatory has been managed by the National Meteorological Office. It is France’s last mountain weather station that is inhabited year-round.  


From Place Sully walk towards Les Ayres on the RD 57. 
  1. Pass the Le Jardin des Cévennes campsite on the right and go uphill towards the Village de Vacances (holiday village). After the reservoir, you enter the woods (waymarked GR®66).
  2. The track goes steadily uphill to the Col del Bès pass (GR®66).
  3. The path descends into the Jonte valley and crosses a bridge before reaching the hamlet of Cabrillac (GR®66).
  4. In Cabrillac you leave the GR®66 long-distance hiking path for the GR®60, heading for the top of Mont Aigoual. Steep climb for 2 km, to Serre Ploumat. The path overlooks the RD 18 road. When you reach the RD 118 take it to the summit of Mont Aigoual.
  • Departure : Meyrueis
  • Arrival : Mont Aigoual
  • Towns crossed : Meyrueis, Gatuzières, Rousses, Bassurels, and Val-d'Aigoual


Altimetric profile


Make sure your equipment is appropriate for the day’s weather conditions. Remember that the weather changes quickly in the mountains. Take enough water, wear sturdy shoes and put on a hat. Please close all gates and barriers behind you.
Is in the midst of the park
The national park is an unrestricted natural area but subjected to regulations which must be known by all visitors.

Information desks

Tourism'house and national Parc at Florac

Place de l'ancienne gare, N106, 48400 Florac-trois-rivières

https://www.cevennes-gorges-du-tarn.cominfo@cevennes-parcnational.fr04 66 45 01 14

This office is part of the National Park's associated tourist-information network, whose mission is to provide information on, and raise awareness of, the sites and events as well as the rules that must be observed in the National Park's central zone.

On site:  exhibitions, video projections, events and shop Open year-round

Find out more


Place Sully
July and August: Bus line "Meyrueis-Millau"
Daily year-round line: different timetables in term time than in school holidays 
Line 215 Autocars Causse + 33 (0)6 65 61 24 16

Access and parking

Meyrueis, via the Jonte gorge on the RD 996.

Parking :

Champ de Mars or André Chamson car parks

More information


Maison du tourisme et du Parc national, Florac
Parc national des Cévennes

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